Those kind folks who vote on inductees just voted us in! Great news for all Packers past and present!

Those kind folks who vote on inductees just voted us in! Great news for all Packers past and present!
(Internet radio, that is…)
Truckers Radio USA will be featuring The Alferd Packer Memorial String Band on Saturday, Jan. 16 at 3:00 p.m.
The show will air again on Sunday, 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Tuesday at noon and Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
After Friday, Jan. 22 you’ll be able to listen to the program in it’s entirety, or download it and listen when you want on “The Derrieres” website.
On June 4, 2017, Bob Dylan delivered his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize for Literature. In that speech, he quoted lyrics from the Alferd Packer Memorial Stringband’s 1985 version of a classic Charlie Poole song “You Ain’t Talkin’ To Me”. The lyrics were written and sung by former APMSB member Jim Krause on “Friends for Dinner”. The Journal World wrote up a nice story and we have included the .mp3 of the song here!
Another banner year for the Alferd Packer Memorial String Band! Band members Steve Mason and Mike Yoder each won a New Songs showcase award at Walnut Valley Festival for “Joan” and “The Great American Eclipse”. Great job, Guys!
Just found out I won a New Songs showcase at Walnut Valley Festival for “I Miss Pluto”. Here’s a performance of the song with Packers from 2014 Folk Alliance Conference. We’ll perform it on Stage 3 at Winfield Saturday, between 11:15-12:15.
We are very proud to announce that Lauralyn Bodle, fiddler and vocalist for the Alferd Packer Memorial String Band, has been selected by the Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission to receive one of the 5 annual and very prestigious Phoenix Awards. The awards are meant to recognize outstanding artistic achievement in the Lawrence community. Lauralyn picked up her award in the Musical Arts category.
Full story, Lawrence Journal World